
Maria Stoller

Maria Stoller

Born in the US, and living in Switzerland for more than 40 years, Maria Stoller has always loved textiles and making things. Her first textile works were quilts, which gradually became figurative and inventive.

In 2006 she discovered drawing and painting which greatly influenced her work. Today Maria works as a mixed media artist mainly with textiles, but also with paint, ink, crayons, paper, etc.

She also builds books and is currently combining old unsuccessful quilts with the book form, creating a kind of 3D quilt.


The human condition has always created a mix of intense feelings for Maria. She finds the relationships she sees and experiences in society to be both fascinating and disturbing. This interest has led her to create this series. Be it life from birth through death, daily struggle working to feed and clothe ourselves, or the inner working of our own personal journey, our Kinship is dynamic and continually changing.

Her goal is to portray humankind in both its extraordinary and its somber sides. She uses portraits combined with the transparency of organza to signify the unclear, unsure, fragile nature of these relationships.

New pieces are continually being made as she works through the complex connections she experiences in her own life and those around her.

Maria Stoller
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