“Breaking out of the textile art cliché”: create a camera

Workshop topic: Contemporary hand sewing
Languages: French flag
Nb of students: 10

Create a camera from a wire frame that Justine has built beforehand (each participant will pick a different frame).
The work created will be unique in its choice of fabric and structure, but also in the handwriting (the way it’s sewn) and details that embellish the object.
The course is organized starting with the choice of camera (the first frame), then the recycled fabrics available and finally the small beads and buttons, to create a personal project according to your style.

Where: 7a route de Rombach-le-Franc 68660 Lièpvre | Salle Polyvalente 1

List of supplies
  • sewing needles
  • neutral sewing thread
  • fabric scissors
  • embroidery threads to match
Required supplies
  • Sewing kit: sewing thread, needles, scissors, various threads to suit your needs
  • Small buttons for camera buttons
Fabrics to bring + lengh
  • None
+ Content

Compulsory kit (30 €, included in the price) :

  • Annealed wire structures
  • Upcycled fabrics
  • Buttons
  • Studding
  • Thread
  • Beads

The teacher

As a textile artist, I have led workshops across France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Germany, primarily one-day events. I organized and participated in two creative retreats, one in June 2023 at Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne with la Fée Pirouette and the other in Belgium in October 2023 with Belgian designers. I also facilitated smaller workshops in Nantes at the Pour l'Amour du Fil salon. Additionally, I conducted workshops for children in a Sessad in Ingwiller, a year-long project focused on self-portraiture. Following a call for projects, I also led a summer workshop in Mulhouse centered on the theme of advertising.